About this course

Check the quad bike. Is it safe? Do you know what to look for? Then ride the quad bike. Do you know its limitations? What you can and can’t do on it? And when you get back safely, do you have a procedure for shutting it down and making sure it’s ready to go next time you need it?

Tocal's one day course will teach even the most experienced rider how to operate them safely.

The course aims to develop knowledge and skills in:
  • safely and effectively operating quad bikes
  • undertaking pre-start checks and shut-down procedures
  • carrying out routine checks and maintenance.

At a glance:

Location: Statewide
Course duration: 1 day
Start date: Multiple intakes
Number of units: 1
Indicative fees: $700 GST-free

Fee free to eligible applicants


  • Prepare a quad bike for operation
  • Operate a quad bike
  • Complete quad bike operation

$700 GST-free

Course costs and fee free to eligible participants.

For more information contact a skills training coordinator in your area here

  • Quad bike operational hazards
  • Workplace health and safety issues
  • Quad bike design and selection
  • Basic maintenance
  • Basic quad bike operating techniques through a designated course
  • Basic quad bike operating techniques negotiating a dirt road route
  • Operating quad bikes with a range of loads attached
  • Loading, unloading and securing Quad bikes to a transport vehicle
  • Periodic maintenance
  • Advanced riding techniques using slopes and rough terrain
  • Clean up quad bikes and refuel

Participants must be 16 years old or over.

This course is mapped to the following national unit of competency:

AHCMOM217 Operate quad bikes.

Additional Information

For information on students rights and responsibilities, and the Tocal College Code of Practice see Industry qualification student policies.

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