A Sodosol soil on a high terrace. Sodosols are not acidic and are sodic (more that five percent sodium in the CEC ) and alkaline at depth.

This soil is an example of a relict soil away from the present course of the river. The alluvium (material deposited by water) is estimated to be from some time in the Tertiary (somewhere between two and 65 million years ago) or Quarternary (up to two milion years ago) eras.


Profile description

  • 0cm: A1 horizon.Dark grey-brown loam with fine sand. Hard surface soil. Very poor structure. Plant roots common. Good drainage. Worm holes. pH 4.2
  • 10cm: A2 horizon.This horizon is pale when dry, hence the boundary is apparent only in dry soil. Texture changes slightly to sandy clay loam and there is a very slight gravel content. Trace of burnt soil at 15 cm indicating that a very hot fire has passed over the area in the past. Plant roots common. Good drainage.
  • 24cm: B1 horizon.Dark grey-brown heavy clay. Clay is impermeable and dense but cracks deeply when dry. Plant roots are common. Drainage is fair, possibly due to the sloping and slightly elevated position. pH 4.0
  • 45cm: B2 horizon.Dark clay with similar colour and texture to above. Clay shows moderate dispersion and this causes the tunnel erosion observed in the paddock. Plant roots are common. Tree root at 75cm. Poor drainage. pH 3.8 at 65 to 75cm

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