21 July, 2022

UPDATE January 2024: Find the new online Varroa Management course here: https://courses.tocal.nsw.edu.au/courses/varroa-management

UPDATE May 2024: A hive movement declaration is no longer required as we transition to varroa management.

On Tuesday 19th July 2022, Tocal College's Digital Delivery team launched a new online training course as part of the NSW Varroa mite emergency response.

The free online course is a compulsory step in the process for Registered commercial beekeepers to submit a Hive Movement Declaration to move their honeybees and hives in low-risk areas of the State and thereby enable pollination to proceed for those industries that depend on it. The course is also freely available to anyone interested in protecting bees from the varroa mite.

The team developed and launched this course within one week. This included user testing with agency staff and beekeepers from across Australia. This is an incredible effort that represents the commitment of our team to doing what is needed, when it counts. The feedback about the quality of the course has been overwhelmingly positive.

Title screen for varroa mite course, picture of bee with varroa mite on it