14 October, 2019

At the 40th Annual Tocal Beekeeper's Field Day on Saturday 12 October 2019, a very special book was launched. Honey and Pollen Flora of South-Eastern Australia is the most significant book for beekeepers in decades. 100 special advanced copies were rushed to Tocal on Friday afternoon in time for the launch on Saturday, and sold out within 45 minutes of going on sale.

Beekeepers queue for the book.

This long-awaited publication focuses on the value of Australian plants to nectarivores – honey bees in particular. It is the culmination of 30 years of research by Dr Doug Somerville. Over 500 plants are photographed and described for identification, mapped, and given a star rating for their value to honey bees. ‘Honey and pollen flora of South Eastern Australia’ will be an invaluable tool for beekeepers.

Dr Doug Somerville launching his book with Tocal Principal Darren Bayley

The book is 680 pages full colour, hard cover, RRP $175. Preorders are now open through tocal.nsw.edu.au and shop.nsw.gov.au. The book will be available in November

  • Media contact:

    Vicky Gow: 4939 8867

Honey and pollen flora book cover